Applications for the 2025 show were sent on January 26, 2025, and is also available here. Applications will be sent to:
The good news is we have a popular, well-attended show (about 200 to 250 visitors each year with 15 to 20 vendors), and many of our vendors say it's one of their favorites. The bad news is we always have more interested vendors than we have room for, and unfortunately that means we have to turn vendors away each year.
Vendor booths are assigned in this order:
Vendor confirmations will be mailed in March, but you can check the
Vendor List at any time to confirm that your application has been received. I usually update this website every two or three weeks after the vendor packets are mailed, so don't panic if your name isn't immediately added to the list.
How to Get on The
Waiting List
The only way to get on the Waiting List is to mail in an application. You do not need to send in any money with the application, but you must send in an application so that we have all of the proper information and can easily contact you when there is an opening. To receive an application please email
Suzy Beggin Craft or print out
Vendor Application. You may request an application at any time throughout the year, however applications are only mailed in January.
If you are already on the Waiting List you don't have to do anything from year to year to hold your position, but please do let me know if any of your contact information has changed.
Waiting List Policy
If you are on the Waiting List and contacted for an open spot your response choices will be:
We think we have a fair and well-run show, but we are always happy to hear vendor and potential vendor comments and suggestions for improvements. Thank you for your interest in our show!
Sales Tax
The sales tax is Cedarville, Illinois is 6.75%.
If you have an Illinois IBT Number (Sales Tax Number), you should send in the tax collected from our show according to your regular tax schedule using your regular tax form. If you do not have an Illinois sales tax number you can obtain a number by contacting the Illinois Department of Revenue at 800-356-6302 or at
However, you do
not need a sales tax number to participate, as I will give you a Special Event Report and Payment Coupon on the day of the event, or you can print out a
2025 Special Event Report and Payment Coupon, so that you can collect and pay your sales tax for the day without your own sales tax number.